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Current rates and mechanisms of subsea permafrost degradation in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
Rapid Degradation of Arctic Seafloor Permafrost
Methane: The Arctic's hidden climate threat : Natalia Shakhova's latest paper.
Thawing Pandora’s Box: Paul Beckwith on Siberian Methane
RUNAWAY Climate Change
Bubble, Bubble. GigaTons of Methane Trouble.
Thawing Open Pandoras Methane Box
Thawing Permafrost: What Does it Mean for the Arctic, 2011
Good Morning Earthlings. Wake Up and Smell the METHANE
Abrupt Climate System Disruption MISHMASH on Cutting Edge Science and Consequences to Us: 2 of n
Seabed Permafrost and Clathrates
Dr. Ira Leifer: Global Methane Release & The Great Strategic Error